The ST STUDIO TECNICO DG DALESSANDRO GIACOMO work in the SECTORS Of ATTIVITA': - Metsllurgic - Chemical, Petrolchemical - Food, Manufacturing - Environmental, Water Treatment - Civil Works, Infrastructures, Hotels - Energy Production Power-House The SPECIALIZATIONS for the development of the Engineering are: - Electric Plants & Instrumentatio - Civil Works - Tecnology and Process - Machines, Pipelines, Tanks - Metallic Structures - Infrastructures - Material Supply - Quality Control - Normalization and Standardization - Safety - Works Manager - Evaluation of Plant to transfer - Estimate of cost new Plants or Revamping - Innovation of Plants and adeguately to national and international codes The Most Important Engineering Back-Groung are: - ISE ILVA SERVICES ENERGY Plan ABB SAE SADELMI Remaking Substation 66KV, Installation of 4 Electrical Motor Flow Blower from 30MVA, 1 Transformer 33MVA, 2 Motors Boxes Start-up from 7,8MVA for Motors from 30 MVA, with Frequency Converter to Varying Tensions, to Constant Current - AgipRaffinazione Taranto- Plant Informatizzazione Teroman - Alfa Lancia Pomigliano- Technical Island Extension - Plant Fireproof Department Assemblage Auto - API Falconara Refinery- Plant Goddess and Recovery Sulphur - Ascofharm Damasco Siria- Pharmaceutical Plant - Ausidet Crotone- Sodium Silicate Plant - Azienda Prosperi- Plant Production Jams - Bal Algeria Annaba Group- Tomatos Transformation Plant - Tourist Center 700 Bed Places - Belleli Taranto- Amerada-Hess Platform - Ibernia Platform - Casa Circondariale Taranto- Innovation Plant Electric to L.46/ 90 - C.E.- Tacis Procurement-Ukraina- Acquisition Data Central Nuclear Plant System NPP Ukraina - C.E.- Phare Procurement-Bulgaria- Demonstration Project Fines Duwelling House [with] District Heating _Energy Saving Project BulgariaEnergy Buildings- Conservation, Flue Desulphuritation Gas [at] Lods IV- Cogeneration Plant-Varsavia
- Cittą di Martina- Town slaughter house