The ST STUDIO TECNICO DG DALESSANDRO GIACOMO it is a Study of Engineering of industrial plants, with vocation of service of professional formation. The Study has a Engineering Back-Ground of you mature in 35 years of professional activity, to the service of the societies of more prestigious Engineering from Italy that International. The activities turns of the STDG are: - ELECTRIC and AUTOMATION ENGINEERING PLANTS - FIRE-PROOF FITTINGS (protection, alarm and turning off) - CLASSIFICATION DANGEROUS AREAS - INFRASTRUCTURES of the TERRITORY - PLANTS of TRANSFORMATION of PRODUCTS SOUR-ZOOTECNICI-ALIMENTARY - PLANTS of the TERTIARY (Small and middle Factories) - INNOVATION TECNOLOGICAL -BUILDING AUTOMATION - WEB-SITES and ENTERPRISE SERVICES - PIPING PLANTS - PLANTS of HEATING and CONDITIONING The Study doesn't have purpose of lucre, and one [prefigge] the [obbiettivo] of half being and service for the development. That's why the Study does PROFESSIONAL FORMATION for prepare qualified young people or graduates that they want to undertake the profession professionally of PLANNERS, of TESTIG SURVEYORS and it organize courses of adjournment [prefessionale] for electricians, in accord to the laws and norms L.46/ 90- CEI NORMS, D.L.vo 626/ 94- D.L.vo 494/ 96 The ST DG one [prefigge] today the [obbiettivo] of assert and expand like a qualified able structure of answer with tall professionalism to the increasing question of services of the realities industrial, of the territorial corporate body, of the question of development with application of new productive installations in Italy, to the foreign countries, I/you/he/she/it am from part of the developed countries, and I/you/he/she/it am of the countries poor: The answer is of Technology from Third Millennium in the respect of the Humanity, for the comfort of the Man. For the attainment of these objective the The ST DG has 30 years of professional back-ground to tallest levels of the Engineering Plants, acquired with the collaboration with the CEI from Milan (Italian Elettrotecnica Company), with the TPL (Tecnipetrol), with the i & i Impiantistica & Informatica, with the Basell (ex Himont, ex Montell) and other society. It has contributed to the formation of beyond 50 technical, in these years, that then they have been inserted easily beside other firms of the territory In the time the study has acquired ulterior professionalis with the diversification in the sectors of the Tertiary then and of the Plants of Transformation of Agricultural-Food Products, with the development of the relationships with the CEE, with the Countries of the Basin of the Mediterraneo, from Africa, from ASIA, and with the Countries of the European East.